Update May 10, 2020, from the People’s Republic of China

Dr. Dunbar, MCOM president, receive new communication on May 10 from the People’s Republic of China from one of his colleagues. Suggestions for patients diagnosed with mild symptoms of COVID-19. The introduction is below, and the entire document is downloadable. Click Here



Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention 

for Suspected Mild COVID-19

 Patient during Home Quarantine

“目前,新型冠状病毒肺炎已蔓延世界各地。面对来势凶猛的新型冠状病毒肺炎,作为中医的一份子,我们应该尝试用中医药方法解决世界难题。侨联成员、全国名中医、著名温病学专家张之文教授,成都中医药大学首席教授 、四川省十大名中医梁繁荣教授,和成都中医药大学首席教授 、四川省卫生健康首席专家曾芳教授等共同参与,为大家提供新型冠状病毒肺炎的中医预防保健方案。

Many countries around the world have reported an outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19). Challenged by the epidemic,  traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is recommended as a solution to curbing the transmission of the virus all over the world. Renowned TCM experts in southwest China’s Sichuan Province have provided you with the TCM prevention and health care programs to tackle COVID-19.  They include Professor Zhang Zhiwen, a member of the Overseas Chinese Federation, a famous TCM expert and a renowned expert on the exogenous febrile disease, Professor Liang Fanrong, Chief Professor of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and one of the top ten TCM doctors in Sichuan Province, and Professor Zeng Fang,  Chief Professor of Chengdu University of TCM and Chief Health Expert of Sichuan Province.


Everyone is obliged for their own health, and they need to know some basic sanitary and anti-epidemic knowledge. In addition to following the recommendations of the WHO guidelines and the diagnosis and treatment programs of the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this manual makes Chinese medical suggestions for people at home. And it might fit for people with mild influenza as well.”

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